Ill Considered (UK)
Ill Considered continue to astound with their energetic and touching music, fusing free improvisation with a deep understanding of groove.
Ill Considered continue to astound with their energetic and touching music, fusing free improvisation with a deep understanding of groove.
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Last event date: Saturday, May 18 2024 8:00PM
Ill Considered (UK)
Idris Rahman - saxophone
Emre Ramazanoglu - drums
Liran Donin - bass guitar
Ill considered are a band comprising of musicians interacting with each other to create freely improvised music, based loosely around simple pre-written themes or composed on the spot. Deep grooves and plaintive melodies ranging from whispered chants to monstrous climaxes, the group react to the mood of the audience and the sonics of the room to create music that is unique to the moment. Idris Rahman, Emre Ramazanoglu and Liran Donin are based out of London, UK, but bring a distinctly international sound.
Ill Considered continue to astound with their energetic and touching music, fusing free improvisation with a deep understanding of groove. At the cutting edge of contemporary UK improvised music, their voice is completely based on creating compositions in the moment. Their dynamic jams host a range of influences from Electronic/ Drum & Bass to Afrobeat and Spiritual jazz, but always with groove at its core. Essential to Ill Considered’s ethos is visual artist and filmmaker Vincent de Boer’s contribution, considered a full member of the band and part of the intense audiovisual interactive shows they can also perform, using innovative technology to allow the audience to influence the band’s improvisation in real time.
Table reservations are automatically added during ticket purchase.
Please note that if you purchase an odd number of seats, you might have to share the table with others, especially if the concert is sold out.
For the best dining experience please arrive around 7pm.
We hold reservations until 8pm.
For more information, please call +36 1 216 7894
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