
2. Budapesti Nemzetközi Gitárfesztivál - A TANGÓ TÖRTÉNETE – Astor PIAZZOLA művei

2. Budapesti Nemzetközi Gitárfesztivál - A TANGÓ TÖRTÉNETE – Astor PIAZZOLA művei


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Last event date: Sunday, November 06 2016 7:30PM

Giampaolo Bandini - Cesare Chiacchiaretta Duo, guitar and bandoneon, formed in 2002 pursuing the clear aim to propose Argentine music through the charm and magic of its most representative instruments. The duo immediately became an important point of reference in the international concert circuit thanks to their great communicativeness joined to an extraordinary charisma. Invited by the most important festivals and theatres in the world, they have toured in Argentina, Mexico, Korea, Romania, China, Poland, Ukraine, Austria, Slovakia, Moldova, Germany, Spain, India, Switzerland, France, Greece, Lithuania, Belgium, Holland, Croatia, Russia, Bosnia, Slovenia, Serbia, Turkey, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Cyprus, Luxembourg, USA and Canada, meeting outstanding critical and audience approval.

The duo had the privilege to play Astor Piazzolla’s Double Concerto “Hommage a Liegi” conducted by Maestro Leo Brouwer at the Auditorium Paganini of Parma and for the Unione Musicale of Turin with the renowned Moscow Virtuosi chamber orchestra conducted by Pavel Berman. They are usually invited to perform as soloists with orchestras such as the Baden-Baden Philharmonic Orchestra (Germany), Brno Soloists (Czech Republic), the Camerata Santiago de Querétaro and Silvestre Revueltas Orchestra (Mexico), the Round Top Chamber Orchestra and Brazos Valley Symphony (USA), the Asian-European Symphony Orchestra (Korea), the Philharmonic Orchestra of Kiew (Ukraine), and many others.

In 2004 Bandini-Chiacchiaretta Duo was awarded the 15th “Beniamino Joppolo” Città di Patti  Prize (in the province of Messina, Italy) for remarkable artistic achievements in the field of music. In 2005 the duo made their debut in the prestigious Grand Hall of Saint Petersburg Academic Philarmonic achieving such great success that they were immediately asked to play for the following years.  Important composers wrote original compositions for Bandini-Chiacchiaretta Duo, among the others Daniel Binelli, Fernando Tavolaro and Maximo Diego Pujol, who dedicated to them the Double Concert for guitar, bandoneon and orchestra “Luminosa Buenos Aires” (2009), distributed all over the world for the Concerto label.

Their peculiarity of living music to the full and without boundaries leads them to work together with prominent artists such as Arnoldo Foà, Elio delle Storie Tese, Amanda Sandrelli, Nando Gazzolo, Dario Vergassola, Monica Guerritore, Enzo Iacchetti  and musicians such as Salvatore Accardo, Fernando Suarez Paz, Michele Pertusi, Corrado Giuffredi, Danilo Rossi, Massimo Quarta, Enrico Bronzi, Franca Masu, Maria Estela Monti, Enrico Fagone and many others.

Their first CD “Hombres de Tango” sold more than ten thousand copies and was greeted with great enthusiasm by the critics. They have recorded for the most important radio and television broadcasters in Italy and abroad. Recently, a concert held in Brussels was broadcast via satellite in more than twenty countries. In 2013, during a long Russian tour, Bandini-Chiacchiaretta Duo made their debut with great success in the Tchaikovsky Hall in Moscow. In the same year they performed in an important concert for the Guitar Foundation of America (GFA) in South Carolina (the most famous guitar convention  of the world). In 2016 they are expected to debut for the Decca label, and new concerts are planned in Berlin, Budapest and Toronto, as well as new tours in Mexico, China, Canada, Hungary, Kosovo Germany, Korea, Poland, Austria and USA.

As teachers, they are requested by the most renowned Academies and international  Universities and hold classes at the Institutes of Higher Education “Luigi Boccherini” in Lucca and “Umberto Giordano” in Foggia.


The Anima Musicae Chamber Orchestra was established in 2010 by students of the Franz Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest. Its debut was held on the 20th of June and it was an immediate sell-out success.

In 2011 the ensemble won 1st prize in the category of “String Orchestra with outstanding success” at the 5th Summa Cum Laude International Youth Music Festival, which was held in the Golden Hall of the Wiener Musikverein in Vienna. In 2012 the Anima Musicae Chamber Orchestra became the first musical ensemble to be awarded the Junior Prima Prize by Hungary`s Prima Primissima Foundation. In 2014 the orchestra finished 3rd in the category of “Chamber Music” at the Torneo Internazionale di Musica, a competition in Paris which hosted more than three thousand musical ensembles. In 2015 the orchestra`s first album, featuring works by W. A. Mozart, was released by the Hungarian record label Hungaroton

In the fall of 2013 the orchestra launched a workshop that focuses on contemporary music, and composer Péter Tornyai was asked to preside over this initiative. The aim of this workshop is to promote contemporary music by making music more accessible and comprehensible to audiences through the means of illustrative discussions, thus prompting further engagement and popularizing the genre.

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