
YOUNG VIRTUOSI - Mendelssohn / Grieg - U/4

YOUNG VIRTUOSI - Mendelssohn / Grieg - U/4

The clarinet is one of the orchestra's most virtuosic instruments: it hums in the low register, squeals in the high, and is capable of fast roulades and wide dynamics. Especially when there are two of them, as in Mendelssohn's serene concert piece.  more

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Mendelssohn: Concert piece No. 2 in D minor, Op. 114
Grieg: Peer Gynt Suite No. 1


Rebeka Takács and Benedek Herr - clarinet
Edit Székely - host


Nátán Sugár
The clarinet is one of the orchestra's most virtuosic instruments: it hums in the low register, squeals in the high, and is capable of fast roulades and wide dynamics. Especially when there are two of them, as in Mendelssohn's serene concert piece. The work is performed by two young virtuosi, Rebeka Takács and Benedek Herr, who are students of our orchestra's clarinetist, Pál Sólyomi. The concert will also feature excerpts from Grieg's incidental music to the drama Peer Gynt. Two movements (Morning Mood and In the Hall of the Mountain King) are in themselves popular. The conductor's podium at this youth concert will once again be taken by a promising talent: Nátán Sugár, a student pianist of the Department for Special Talents at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna.

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