Hugó a víziló 4K
Hugó a víziló 4K
Hungraian-American animation, 91 min, 1975
in Hungarian
Hugó a víziló 4K
Hungraian-American animation, 91 min, 1975
in Hungarian
Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!
Last event date: Saturday, January 04 2025 11:00AM
Director: Bill Feigenbaum, Gémes József
Sharks have invaded the harbour of Hummingbird Island and to get rid of them, Sultan Magin brings hippopotamuses from the mainland. These huge animals manage to defeat the predator fish. Initially, the people celebrate the hippo team that has liberated the harbour, but soon the animals begin to be a burden on the local population. The furious farmers led by the evil khan Aban turn on the animals. Only Hugo the baby hippo survives the terrible attack and he is adopted by the local children. The exotic tale made in an American–Hungarian coproduction is like watching a family film version of Yellow Submarine. The florid visuals were conceived in the spirit of psychedelic-Art Nouveau, and catchy music going with the stunningly surreal frames were performed by legendary singers of Hungarian pop such as Kati Kovács, actress Erzsébet Kútvölgyi and Péter Máté.
Premier: 2024.12.26.
Distributor: Pannonia Entertainment
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Carl Orff CARMINA BURANA Scenic cantata in the original languages, with Hungarian, English, and same-language subtitles
Csikorgó, sarkaiból végérvényesen kifordult világ, a pillanatnyi megnyugvás is hűtlen barát. Minden ütést állnunk kellene. Erre most összetársulunk. Hamlet egyedül…
Radnóti Miklós és Gyarmati Fanni belső világa elevenedik meg Vecsei H. Miklós és a zenészekből, képzmőművészekből álló QJÚB nevű társulás…
Artistic director and director/choreographer Balázs Vincze coherently translates the storyline into the language of dance with a marvellous sense of…
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