
HAMLET - Ian McKellen (Fábri)

HAMLET - Ian McKellen (Fábri)

English drama, 117 min, 2024
in English with Hungarian subtitles

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Director: Sean Mathias

Cast: Ian McKellen, Francesca Annis, Jonathan Hyde, Jenny Seagrove, Frances Barber, Ben Allen, William Bozier


A tale of revenge that has stood the test of time, Shakespeare’s classic tragedy is reimagined for the modern day as a gripping psychological thriller! Transcending the confines of the stage, the film utilises nearly every room of the Theatre Royal Windsor to transform it into the immortal Elsinore Castle, from basement dungeon to roof-top battlement. The critically acclaimed, recent stage cast of ‘Hamlet’, including Ian McKellen, Frances Barber (King Lear, Chekhov’s The Seagull) and Jonathan Hyde (King Lear, Titanic, Crimson Peak), bring their iconic roles to life in this compelling new film adaptation.

Premier: 2025.03.20.

Distributor: Pannonia Entertainment

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