
Gyárfás – Hock – Pozsár

Gyárfás – Hock – Pozsár

Most of the trio's repertoire is made up of compositions by Attila Gyárfás, based on the improvisational skills of the three musicians, but using the sampler controlled by Máté Pozsár, they also evoke recordings from jazz history to which the members of the band are closely connected.

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Last event date: Wednesday, August 21 2024 8:00PM

Máté Pozsár - synthesizer, sampler
Ernő Hock - double bass
Attila Gyárfás - drums

This trio, founded by Attila Gyárfás, draws from the tools of free improvisation, contemporary classical music and traditional jazz, and its members are active representatives of the Hungarian improvisational music scene. A key element of the band's sound is the modern analogue synthesizer played by Máté Pozsár, which, in addition to creating a nearly infinite amount of timbres, is capable of switching between radically different sounds in the blink of an eye. Contrasting with the vibrations shaped by circuits and generated by the speakers is the acoustic sound of the drum kit and Ernő Hock's upright bass, but the musicians' attention and imagination allow the three instruments to boil into unity. Most of the trio's repertoire is made up of compositions by Attila Gyárfás, based on the improvisational skills of the three musicians, but using the sampler controlled by Máté Pozsár, they also evoke recordings from jazz history to which the members of the band are closely connected.

Table reservations are automatically added during ticket purchase.
Please note that if you purchase an odd number of seats, you might have to share the table with others, especially if the concert is sold out.
For the best dining experience please arrive around 7pm.
We hold reservations until 8pm.

For more information, please call +36 1 216 7894

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