
Guided tour with curator Török Krisztián Gábor at Learning from Nature? - Botany exhibition

Guided tour with curator Török Krisztián Gábor at Learning from Nature? - Botany exhibition

We warmly welcome everyone to join us on December 14 at 4 PM for an English-language guided tour by Török Krisztián Gábor at our new exhibition named Learning from Nature? - Botany.

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Last event date: 2024. Dezember 14. Samstag, 16:00

We warmly welcome everyone to join us on December 14 at 4 PM for an English-language guided tour by Török Krisztián Gábor at our new exhibition named Learning from Nature? - Botany.

About the exhibition:

Reimagining landscapes, redefining symbols, and cultivating different epistemologies – in these strategies of engaging with nature cultural institutions have the opportunity to reassess their roles in the face of ecological change. Learning from Nature? – Botany is a group exhibition that explores how these institutions and the cultural fields can critically redefine traditional methods of understanding nature, fostering a renewed relationship between culture and the environment. How can cultural spaces not only represent but actively participate in the challenges of the Anthropocene? In an era of increasing ecological instability, these narratives can guide us toward alternative ways of relating to the planet. Through this exhibition, visitors are invited to explore and even reshape the ways we approach, protect, and coexist with the natural world. The ten newly commissioned works explore three distinct themes: observing ecological niches, reinterpreting natural symbolism, and employing speculative storytelling to envision new ways of coexisting with the natural world.

Debrecen holds a special place in the history of Hungarian botany. From the Herbarium (1578) by Péter Juhász Méliusz to the seminal two-volume Hungarian Herbarium (1807) by Sámuel Diószegi and Mihály Fazekas, the city has long been a center for botanical research and natural sciences. The exhibition builds on this heritage, engaging visitors with Debrecen’s unique natural collections and sights, such as the Reformed Collegium Museum, the University of Debrecen’s Botanical Garden, and the Hortobágy National Park. Through these connections, the exhibition invites a dialogue between historical and current botanical research and contemporary artistic practices

The exhibition is the result of an intensive two-week residency workshop held during the summer of 2024, organized by the Debrecen International Artist in Residence (DAIR) program. During their stay, the invited artists, architects, and designers immersed themselves in the rich natural history of Debrecen and its surrounding region, fostering artist research and interdisciplinary cross-pollination.

Exhibiting artists:
CENTRALA – Małgorzata Kuciewicz & Simone De Iacobis (PL/IT), Daniel Godinez Nivón (MX/NL), Illés Zsófia Szonja (HU), Kortmann-Járay Katalin & Mendreczky Karina (HU), Kuzma Eszter Júlia (HU), Gaja Mežnarić Osole & Krater Collective (SI), Thea Lazăr (RO), Szabó Bálint (HU), Szabó Nóra (HU), Vékony Dorottya (HU)

Artistic directors:
Horányi Attila, Süli-Zakar Szabolcs, Török Krisztián Gábor, Vékony Dorottya

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