
Growler (US/HU)

Growler (US/HU)

In addition to playing music from Robinson’s celebrated recent albums Ancestral Numbers I & II (Playscape, 2024), Growler showcases the extensive musical collaborations and friendships between Robinson, Cox, and Walton, which began 30 years ago in California.

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Last event date: Saturday, July 20 2024 8:00PM

Jason Robinson - saxophone
Christopher Cox - trombone
Scott Walton - double bass
Áron Porteleki - drums

A captivating blend of imaginative compositions, intense grooves, and exploratory improvisation, Growler is a new international band with acclaimed American saxophonist, composer, and bandleader Jason Robinson (“rugged and scintillating,” New York Times), Budapest-based American trombonist Christopher Cox, virtuoso bassist Scott Walton (FR/US), and one of Hungary’s not-so-secret weapons, drummer Áron Porteleki. Opus Jazz Club is the final stop on Growler’s inaugural European Tour, after which they will record at Budapest’s legendary SuperSize Recording Studio. In addition to playing music from Robinson’s celebrated recent albums Ancestral Numbers I & II (Playscape, 2024), Growler showcases the extensive musical collaborations and friendships between Robinson, Cox, and Walton, which began 30 years ago in California.

Table reservations are automatically added during ticket purchase.
Please note that if you purchase an odd number of seats, you might have to share the table with others, especially if the concert is sold out.
For the best dining experience please arrive around 7pm.
We hold reservations until 8pm.

For more information, please call +36 1 216 7894

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