Friss Folk - Makám
Founded 37 years ago and led by composer and lyricist Zoltán Krulik, the legendary Makám band has been a key player in the Hungarian world music scene for decades. more
Founded 37 years ago and led by composer and lyricist Zoltán Krulik, the legendary Makám band has been a key player in the Hungarian world music scene for decades. more
Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!
Last event date: Friday, October 28 2022 8:00PM
They started playing world music at a time when the term was just being born. They wrote modern music with knowledge of and respect for tradition, songs that are still sung by generations. Their work is marked by two dozen albums; their 2019 release, Budapest Night Speaks, was a tribute to Endre Ady, whose poetry turned Zoltán Krulik's attention to new genres. In the repertoire of the KruBaVi Trio, well-known and less famous poems by Endre Ady, Zoltán Somlyó's poems from the beginning of the last century and Krulik's own lyrics – disguised as Robinzon Kruzo – assume the sound of the chanson. This concert will give the audience a glimpse into the workshop of Krulik and his fellow musicians from several angles: the first half of the evening will feature a selection of songs by the KruBaVi Trio, while the second half will be devoted to Makám's evergreen songs.
Bori Magyar - vocals
Gabriella Rácz - violin
Dávid Eredics - saxophone, clarinet, kaval
Zoltán Krulik - guitar
István Bata - bass guitar
Zoltán Varró - drums, percussion
Table reservations are automatically added during ticket purchase.
Please note that if you purchase an odd number of seats, you might have to share the table with others, especially if the concert is sold out.
For the best dining experience please arrive around 7pm.
We hold reservations until 8pm.
For more information, please call +36 1 216 7894
Giacomo Puccini LA BOHÈME Opera in four acts, in Italian, with Hungarian, English, and Italian subtitles
Tegyük fel, hogy megcsalt a férjem – mit teszek én? Sírok, válok, vagy bosszút állok? Lucienne Vatelin tisztességes feleség, esze ágába nem jut megcsalni a férjét – és az elvét tartja mindaddig, amíg a férje őt meg nem csalja. Viszont, ha ez megtörténne, arra is felkészül: talonban tartja a jóképű Babillont, hogy ha kell, legyen kivel bosszút állni… A hülyéje őrült és szerelmes bohózat – tökéletes nevettető kikapcsolódás szerelmeseknek, friss házasoknak, és hűtlenséget tervezőknek. Megszállott nőcsábászok és bosszúálló feleségek a Thália Színház Nagyszínpadán.
Artistic director and director/choreographer Balázs Vincze coherently translates the storyline into the language of dance with a marvellous sense of proportion. It is the acting ability of the dancers of Ballet Pécs, along with their talent as performers, that makes each production of the company so unique and special.
Az Újszínház Eisemann Mihály–Szilágyi László Zsákbamacska című zenés komédiája, ami kész regény, hogy mennyi félreértés, kaland vezet a megváltó boldogságig.
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