
Egri & Pertis Piano Duo: Crosstalks 9. / If Weber had danced a waltz...

Egri & Pertis Piano Duo: Crosstalks 9. / If Weber had danced a waltz...

Dance will be the next topic of the Egri & Pertis Piano Duo's concert series, Crosstalks, which explores the interplay of the different art forms. The concert features a wide range of dance-inspired compositions to illustrate the intertwining of the two arts, from Bach to Weber, Ravel and Gershwin.

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Last event date: Sunday, November 26 2023 6:00PM

Egri & Pertis Piano Duo: Crosstalks 9.
If Weber had danced a waltz...

Johann Sebastian Bach: Suite in D major, BWV 1066 – Gavotte I. & II.                    
Carl Maria von Weber: Invitation to the Dance, Op. 65
Edvard Grieg: Valse-Caprice, Op. 37/2
Fryderyk Chopin: Tarantella, Op. 43
Johannes Brahms: Hungarian Dances – No. 19, No. 21
Maurice Ravel: Rapsodie espagnole – Habanera
Nyikolaj Rimszkij-Korszakov: Capriccio espagnol, op. 34 – Fandango
Arthur Schwartz: Dancing in the Dark
Arthur Schwartz: Alone Together
Scott Joplin: Two ragtimes
Scott Joplin: Bethena
Scott Joplin: The Entertainer
George Gershwin: Rialto Ripples

Mónika Egri, Attila Pertis – piano
Guest: Lilla Pártay
Host: Szilvia Becze

Music and dance are two of the oldest art forms in human history, and are almost inseparable: not only does dance live from music, but dance forms are also to be found in musical works, and even seemingly unrelated pieces often have a dance rhythm pulsing in the background. Dance will be the next topic of the Egri & Pertis Piano Duo's concert series, Crosstalks, which explores the interplay of the different art forms. The concert features a wide range of dance-inspired compositions to illustrate the intertwining of the two arts, from Bach to Weber, Ravel and Gershwin. Like piano playing, dance conveys emotions and drama without words, and rhythm is a defining element of both arts. But what are the most striking differences? The duo will ask one of the most prominent figures in the dance world about these differences.

The concert is supported by OTP Bank.

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