
Dutch Focus | Alto For Two (NL/CAT/KR)

Dutch Focus | Alto For Two (NL/CAT/KR)

Alto For Two is a project led by two of the most innovative saxophonists in Europe today: Kika Sprangers and Irene Reig, and it features a repertoire of their own compositions.  more

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Last event date: Wednesday, September 18 2024 8:00PM

The coming together of these two artists, with their unique musical backgrounds, results in an eclectic and distinctive musical offering with a varied sound palette translated into the quintet format. Alto For Two will soon release their first album on Berthold Records, consisting of a new original repertoire demonstrating the artistic direction and evolution of the group.

Irene Reig has established herself as a successful saxophonist and composer on the European jazz scene. She is one of the most active artists on the scene and leads various groups, including The Bop Collective, with whom she won the Publieksprijs prize at the Dutch Jazz Competition 2018. She has released three albums: Views (Discmedi, 2017), featuring John Swana, one of the world’s most renowned trumpet players, Iaspis (The Changes, 2019) and Mira (The Changes, 2021).

Kika Sprangers is one of the most renowned artists in the Netherlands. She was the lead saxophonist of the National Youth Jazz Orchestra, where she gained valuable experience and which lead to her performing at some of the most important festivals, such as the North Sea Jazz Festival. In 2018, she was selected as a Young VIP, which gives her the opportunity to take her own project on tour to the most important concert halls and clubs in the country. Her first album as a leader was Leaves of Lily (Not On Label, 2017).

Table reservations are automatically added during ticket purchase.
Please note that if you purchase an odd number of seats, you might have to share the table with others, especially if the concert is sold out.
For the best dining experience please arrive around 7pm.
We hold reservations until 8pm.

For more information, please call +36 1 216 7894

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