Dido & Aeneas
Henry Purcell
Opera in three acts, one part, in English, with Hungarian and English surtitles
Henry Purcell
Opera in three acts, one part, in English, with Hungarian and English surtitles
Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a Jegy.hu keresőjében!
Last event date: Tuesday, March 19 2024 2:30PM
Henry Purcell’s epic masterpiece, Dido and Aeneas has to do with the Trojan War. But what is even more important than the historical background of this hour-long little gem is love – as Dóra Barta, the director of the production highlights it, “Humanity has long known that if there is something you can die of, Love is certainly such a thing. Whether it is happy or not, returned or unrequited, one thing is sure: it is dead serious business. The tragic-ending romantic affair enfolding between the queen of Carthage and the Trojan hero was made into a grand classic of universal cultural history by Virgil, but it was the thirty-year-old Henry Purcell whose music made its heroes rise to the stars, among which they have been shining with never fading light for three and a half centuries now.”
Miután Ervin, a jómódú budai fiatalember életét veszti egy jávorszarvas-balesetben, hátrahagyott jóbarátai elhatározzák, hogy ápolni fogják az emlékét. Akkor is, ha Ervin ezt nem akarná. Akkor is, ha Ervin talán mégsem halt meg. Akkor is, ha meg kell ölniük.
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