
László Dés Free Sounds Quartet (HU)

László Dés Free Sounds Quartet (HU)

Relying solely on their instrumental knowledge, ears and sensitivity, László Dés, Miklós Lukács, András Dés and Márton Fenyvesi play with all the joy of complete freedom without any prior rehearsal or consultation. This requires a great deal of external and internal focus, as the music product takes shape during the game.

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Last event date: Thursday, April 21 2022 8:00PM

László Dés Free Sounds Quartet (HU)

László Dés – saxophone
Miklós Lukács – cimbalom
András Dés – percussions
Márton Fenyvesi – guitar

The orchestra of László Dés, Miklós Lukács, András Dés and Márton Fenyvesi, which connects generations, was founded at the beginning of 2019. Their idea is to expand the boundaries of the jazz genre, which already presupposes great musical freedom. Relying only on their instrumental knowledge, their ears and sensitivity, they play without any rehearsal, without consultation, with the joy of complete freedom. This requires a great deal of external and internal focus as the musical product takes shape while playing. The themes, the structure, the form are both the product of the moment, and it is a tremendous experience for both the musicians and the audience, as the resulting music can never be reproduced in that form again. This shared experience is like a great magic, the magic of improvisation. Meeting four excellent musicians through their instruments, from concert to concert.

Table reservations are automatically added during ticket purchase.
For the best dining experience please arrive around 7pm.
We hold reservations until 8pm.

Our offer

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