
Afternoon Jam - percussion

Afternoon Jam - percussion

Recommended for children ages 4 to 10
Hungarian-language discussion programme.

Nincs aktuális előadás

Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Sunday, February 18 2024 10:30AM

In all afternoon sessions participants can better acquaint themselves with a musical instrument together with its younger and older siblings. The layout of the Opera House's chosen venues makes it possible that this interactive programme takes place at just an arm’s length from the young guests. The performance uses language that children can understand, but even adults can discover a lot of novelties about the world of musical instruments. Featuring the musicians of the Hungarian State Opera Orchestra.

Hostess: Mária Nagy
Featuring the Hungarian State Opera Orchestra.

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2024-ben, immáron 12. alkalommal kerül megrendezésre Magyarország legnagyobb, legszínesebb társasjátékos rendezvénye, a Társasjátékok Ünnepe® és Társasjátékvásár!

Artistic director and director-choreographer Balázs Vincze is very familiar with the tastes of dance aficionados partial to the traditions of bourgeois theatre and is superb at adapting familiar and popular literary classics to the dance stage. His wonderful sense of proportion enables audiences to follow plots in the language of dance. His contemporary choreographies built on classical foundations are unique, spectacular and of a high professional calibre without losing sight of the need to please the audience.

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