
Gábor Csalog Sundays – Dialogues with (the) Music | Schubert and Bach

Gábor Csalog Sundays – Dialogues with (the) Music | Schubert and Bach

It is not music history but music itself that will be at the heart of the discussion, and of the whole evening.

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Last event date: Sunday, January 15 2023 6:00PM

Gábor Csalog Sundays – Dialogues with (the) Music | Schubert and Bach

Franz Schubert: Twelve German Dances, D. 790
Franz Schubert: Six German Dances, D. 820
Johann Sebastian Bach: Partita in E minor, BWV 830

Gábor Csalog – piano
Gergely Fazekas, musicologist

What's the connection between Schubert's collections of small waltzes and Bach's Partita in E minor? Clever historical parallels can certainly be drawn (both are a series of dance movements, both Bach and Schubert's dances are far more than music for a ballroom, both composers were geniuses, and so on), but it is also possible to simply abandon ourselves to these two musical worlds juxtaposed. Of course, as has been the case in recent years with Gábor Csalog's concerts at the BMC, the first half of the concert also provides an opportunity to discuss the possible implications of this strange juxtaposition with music historian Gergely Fazekas. For example, whether we can hear the complementary nature of Schubert's and Bach's music: how Schubert's seemingly simple dances hide complex structures, while Bach's music seems to work in the opposite way, as the complexity of its surface sometimes covers extremely simple structures. It is not music history but music itself that will be at the heart of the discussion, and of the whole evening.

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