
Gábor Csalog Sundays – Dialogues with (the) Music | Fugues and preludes

Gábor Csalog Sundays – Dialogues with (the) Music | Fugues and preludes

In classical music, there are interrelated concepts that seem to be inseparable: dissonance and resolution, form and content, prelude and fugue. Whether dissonance is indeed inseparable from resolution, and form from content, is not the subject of this concert, but the historical fact that preludes and fugues once existed independently of each other definitely is.  more

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Last event date: Sunday, October 29 2023 6:00PM

Johann Sebastian Bach was the first to clearly separate and then marry these two genres (as God did darkness and light during creation). Gábor Csalog's concert freely selects fugues and preludes by Johann Sebastian Bach and post-Bach generations, highlighting stylistic similarities and curious contrasts. In the now familiar discussion in the first part of the concert, music historian Gergely Fazekas and the pianist will certainly discuss how strictly structured fugues can acquire poetic content and how seemingly free-form preludes sometimes follow strict structures.


Gábor Csalog – piano
Gergely Fazekas, musicologist

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