
Chamber Music Recital | Vesselin Stanev's and Zoltán Despond's concert

Chamber Music Recital | Vesselin Stanev's and Zoltán Despond's concert

Vesselin Stanev – piano
Zoltán Despond – cello

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Last event date: Thursday, November 23 2023 7:00PM

Chamber Music Recital
Vesselin Stanev's and Zoltán Despond's concert

Sergei Prokofiev: Sonata for Cello and Piano in C major, op. 119
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky: Nocturne for Cello and Piano, op. 19 no. 4
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky: Valse sentimentale for Cello and Piano, op. 51 no. 6
Sergei Rachmaninov: Sonata for Cello and Piano in G minor, op. 19

Born in Varna (Bulgaria), Vesselin Stanev studied at the Academy of Music in Sofia, then with Dmitri Bashkirov at the Tchaikovsky Conservatoire in Moscow and also with Alexis Weissenberg at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique in Paris. He was awarded prizes at the Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow, at the Concours Marguerite Long – Thibaud in Paris. During the last few years he performed at major concert halls like the Musikverein Wien, Wigmore Hall London, Alte Oper Frankfurt, Philharmonie Berlin, Leipzig Gewandhaus, and the Salle Gaveau in Paris. „He is not just a pianist but also a musician". The critic who wrote that was referring to the musicality that is a central element in Vesselin Stanev's style. Vesselin Stanev aims beyond the acrobatic; his most important concern is the emotion he senses in the works and tries to pass on to the audience using the means of his art.

The young French-Swiss cellist Zoltán Despond has been praised by the international press as „one of the best cellists of his generation". He studied in Lausanne and Zurich, attended master-classes with Antonio Meneses and Christophe Coin and is laureate of various prizes and awards. As a soloist he has given recitals during the last few years at the Lucerne Festival, the Musikverein Wien, Mozarteum Salzburg, Berliner Philharmonie, Gewandhaus Leipzig, Auditoria Nacional Madrid… to name but a few. Following a recent concert in Zurich, the NEUE ZÜRICHER ZEITUNG wrote: „A sound of pure brilliance, attacks full of energy, life, elegance and the ability to make his instrument sing…"

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