
CrAzy_RunnErs / Parad_Is_E - FrenÁk Company

CrAzy_RunnErs / Parad_Is_E - FrenÁk Company

This production of the FrenÁk Company features adynamic team, the members of a new generation. The young, creative dancers draw on the energies of their colourful cultural and linguistic differences as they bring a new creative approach to FrenÁk’s concept. It is a fusion of the arts, a multimedia work with two contrasting yet complementary parts that reflect on the…  more

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The short CrAzy_RunnErs is a madcap parade, adistorting mirror held up to a superficial world dominated by speed. Identities and partners are changed at a pace that is impossible to follow as one futuristic prop is swapped for the next. How far can the madness escalate?

Referring to the archaic roots of the human condition, Parad_Is_E balances on the line between reality and illusion, the past and the future, and flashes up the ever-changing but never-vanishing bubbles of ignorance, isolation and exclusion. 

This performance of the Bartók Spring is presented by Müpa Budapest as a joint event with FrenÁk Company and National Dance Theatre.


Performed by: Zoe Lenzi, Léna Árvay-Vass, Eoin Mac Donncha, David Leonidas Thiel, Gergely Cserháti, Viktor Banka, Vivian Ferencz


Music concept: Máté Hunyadi

Dramaturgy: Dr Nóra Horváth

Production design, costumes: Victoria Frenák

Animation, video editor: András Fehér

Sound: Mátyás Fekete

Lighting: József Pethő

Stage manager: Balázs Fülep, Andor Palotai

Production assistant: Gergő Nyári

Choreography: CrAzy_RunnEr


Concept: FrenÁk

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