
Cracow Singers / LISZT ÜNNEP 2021

Cracow Singers / LISZT ÜNNEP 2021

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Last event date: Saturday, October 09 2021 7:30PM

Szymanowski: Sześć pieśni kurpiowskich (Six Kurpie Songs)

Kodály: Norvég leányok (Norwegian Maidens)

Hrušovsky: Tri etúdy (Three Etudes)

Márton Levente Horváth: O vos omnes

Penderecki: O gloriosa Virginum

Górecki: Totus tuus

Liszt: Ave verum corpus

Liszt: Salve Regina

Eben: Cantico delle creature

Levente Gyöngyösi: O Maria, noli flere


Conductor: Zoltán Pad

Artistic director: Karol Kusz


The Cracow Singers is a chamber choir composed of experienced professional singers, which immediately caused a stir in the world of performing art with novel projects that are centred around the relationship between the different forms of art and fields of knowledge.

Old and contemporary music are present with equal weight in their a cappella repertoire, and they often appear in concert with instrumentalists and orchestras, partners who are as likely to be classical musicians as jazz performers. They first came to Hungary for the Hungarian premiere of Lera Auerbach’s 72 Angels.

Zoltán Pad will now guide them through some of Liszt’s compositions and the works of composers from the Visegrád countries. Along with seminal artists from Czechia, Poland and Slovakia, Hungary is represented by two composers of the middle generation.

Supporter: Ministry of Culture National Heritage and Sport of the Republic of Poland – Culture Promotion Fund, Polish Institute (Budapest), Wacław Felczak Polish–Hungarian Cooperation Institute, Equinum Foundation

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