
Concerto Armonico: Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach No. 6.

Concerto Armonico: Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach No. 6.

"Their richness, dynamism, infinite variety of dramatic elements and subtleties appeal to both the listener and the player in a strong voice. Join us now in this genre and discover a wonderful, colorful world through them." - Miklós Spányi -

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Last event date: Sunday, May 15 2022 7:30PM

Concerto Armonico: Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach No. 6.

Concerto Armonico
Artistic Director: Miklós Spányi
Concert Master: Gábor Homoki

C. Ph. E. Bach was born in Weimar as the second son of Johann Sebastian Bach, in 1714. He never had a teacher other than his father, for whom he had enormous respect throughout his life. During his lifetime, Carl Philipp Emanuel was esteemed as the bearer of the name Bach. In the 19th century, on the rediscovery of his father’s works, the Bach boys including Carl Philipp Emanuel were largely overshadowed. However, the music of C. P. E. Bach always had its passionate enthusiasts and interpreters. Today, those endeavours in this field hallmarked by Miklós Spányi and Concerto Armonico are recognized worldwide. Spányi’s recording for Swedish BIS Records of C. P. E. Bach’s entire concertos for keyboard started in 1994. The entire works series comprising 20 albums was finally completed in 2014, in time for the 300th anniversary of the birth of the composer. The series that attracted international attention is today considered a benchmark in the interpretation of the composer’s music.

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