
Catalan Jazz On Tour | Libérica (CAT)

Catalan Jazz On Tour | Libérica (CAT)

Bassist Manel Fortià presents his most innovative and original project, Libérica, that makes an approach to Iberian folk music from a new fresh point of view.


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Last event date: Wednesday, October 25 2023 8:00PM

After a season living in New York and having played with great jazz icons such as Dave Liebman, Eliot Zigmund, Ari Hoenig or Chris Cheek among others, he decided to return to his homeland and explore into the traditional Catalan repertoire without letting go of the musical effervescence of the jazz mecca, where its multiculturalism has always led to the merging of different styles to create new ones. With this philosophy, Libérica seeks common ground between traditional Catalan song and flamenco, using jazz as a conducting vehicle. The renewal and updating of folklore is necessary and helps to keep it alive. His showcase at Jazziam 2023 in Barcelona was one of the most celebrated and successful in a fair full of international bookers.

The Libérica group also includes two experts of flamenco-jazz made in Catalonia such as the singer Pere Martinez and the pianist Max Villavecchia from 'Los Aurora'. As an international collaboration of one of the new revelations in European modern jazz, the group is joined by French drummer Raphael Pannier (Miguel Zenón, Aaron Goldberg, etc.), resident between Paris and New York. Saxophonist and flamenco singer Antonio Lizana and lately, one of the most fresh and beautiful voices, saxophonist Eva Fernández from Barcelona, joined the group to bring some new Mediterranean colors.

With the support of Institut Ramon Llull and JAZZ I AM within the project of Catalan Jazz On Tour.


    Pere Martínez - vocals
    Eva Fernández - saxophone, vocals
    Max Villavecchia - piano
    Manel Fortià - double bass
    Raphael Pannier - drums

Table reservations are automatically added during ticket purchase.
Please note that if you purchase an odd number of seats, you might have to share the table with others, especially if the concert is sold out.
For the best dining experience please arrive around 7pm.
We hold reservations until 8pm.

For more information, please call +36 1 216 7894

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