
FLOWER SHIN Eunju - Batarita

FLOWER SHIN Eunju - Batarita

Shin Eunju and Batarita are creating their third joint performance after 2015 and 2016. Their co-production full of sensitive intertwinement and contrast can be seen in the National Dance Theatre in Budapest following the Korean premiere in November.

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Last event date: Friday, January 17 2020 7:30PM

SHIN Eunju - Batarita

Life is hidden in the process of becoming an individual, in the power of the individual.

The harmony within the power of the individual is the true beauty of nature.

Nature is full of order and confusion, harmony and entanglement, yet it flowers again and again, beyond time and space.

Shin Eunju and Batarita are creating their third joint performance after 2015 and 2016. Their co-production full of sensitive intertwinement and contrast can be seen in the National Dance Theatre in Budapest following the Korean premiere in November.

SHIN Eunju is dancer, choreographer with her own company. She started with traditional Korean dance, which she later combined with contemporary dance techniques and gained her doctorate in the subject of philosophy. In Korea, she is regarded as the reformer of Korean traditional dance. To this day, she is an active participant ininternational dance with her contemporary and traditional dance performances and international co-productions. She has won many prizes as best choreographer as well as the Korean Critics’ Choice Award. In 2009, she founded the Busan International Dance Market (BIDAM), of which she is still a director, and in 2011 she opened her own dance theatre, the Busan Dance Theater which she still manages, organising dance performances as well as educational and social programs.

Batarita graduated as a choreographer from the Hungarian Dance Academy. As the winner of many international choreography competitions, she received numerous scholarships from the most significant international cultural organisations to France, Japan, Korea, etc. She has been a choreographer and a teacher since 2001 and her solo and co-production performances are present in over 20 countries. In 2009, she made her debut as a director in the Hungarian State Opera House, the same year she founded BODY.RADICAL International Performing Arts Biennale of which she is still the director. Since 2012, she has been on the jury for international choreography competitions in Asia and Europe, and she directed her first film in 2016. In 2013, she has received a lifetime achievement award “For Parallel Cultures” from the Mediawave Foundation.

Choreography, dance, visuals, costume: Batarita, SHIN Eunju
Music Editor: Xrc KOVÁCS Balázs

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