NOMADS - The Royal Ballet Fehérvár
„Quotation Marks”
The last act is a dance theatre piece “Quotation Marks”, performed by the Székesfehérvár Ballet Theatre.
This contemporary ballet piece exploresthe theme of wandering.
„Quotation Marks”
The last act is a dance theatre piece “Quotation Marks”, performed by the Székesfehérvár Ballet Theatre.
This contemporary ballet piece exploresthe theme of wandering.
Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!
Last event date: Friday, April 19 2024 7:00PM
„Quotation Marks”
The last act is a dance theatre piece “Quotation Marks”, performed by the Székesfehérvár Ballet Theatre. Attila Egerházi has created a choreography based on excerpts adapted by contemporary writer and poet László L. Simon from his own book. The choreography captures and visualises the elusive, sometimes almost unspeakable thoughts and feelings suggested by the writer, while the message encoded in the text is revealed in a way that is comprehensible to the human soul and comes to life through dance poetry. As in the ballet production adapted from famous Hungarian author István Örkény’s writings, the literary text is strongly emphasised in this choreography, too, complemented by musical interludes.
This contemporary ballet piece exploresthe theme of wandering. Almost everyone changes their place of residence or habitat in the course of their lives, even more than once. Wandering can be driven by curiosity or the desire to explore, but it can also be a matter of necessity or even escape. In many cases, the purpose of moving elsewhere is to find solutions to perceived or real problems. But one thing is certain: wherever you go, you take yourself with you.
The archetypal hero of Hungarian folk tales is the wayfarer who sets off with their bag on their shoulder to seek their fortune, to discover the world and themselves in it. This ballet is also a reflection on the wandering lifestyle of dancers.
The music of contemporary ballet Nomads draws onancient musical themes. These pieces of music are written in contemporary dance language and draw their inspiration mainly from ancient Hungarian music, while the dance theatre production uses contemporary dance language to make the musical content of the piece visible.
This performance is a vision that takes shape in adream-like world.
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