
Budapest Ritmo NAPIJEGY / BARTÓK TAVASZ 2023

Budapest Ritmo NAPIJEGY / BARTÓK TAVASZ 2023

Nincs aktuális előadás

Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Saturday, April 15 2023 6:00PM

Friday’s journey of discovery is star-studded, featuring Icelandic phenomenon Emilíana Torrini & The Colorist Orchestra and dignitaries of Tuareg desert-rock Tamikrest. Enjoy a soundtrack of quirky charm by Emilíana and her avantgarde orchestra or join the psychedelic desert-trek on the Tamikrest caravan. Polish-Ukrainian DAGADANA bring jazz-tinged ethnobeat to preach their message of hope and connection. Further stops include: a traditional male choir from Croatia, avant folk from Cyprus, diaspora jam and a DJ set for never-weary Ritmo revellers. A conference offers an excellent networking opportunity, screenings delve into the world of music during the day. 


For those who venture further, Saturday’s lineup caters unique cooperations, Catalan jazz, and Cuban a cappella. Dubbed the voice-only version of Buena Vista, Vocal Sampling present rock ballads and Cuban classics a cappella, and make you sing and dance. An explosive jazz experience is delivered by Catalan rising stars Magalí Sare & Manel Fortià. The day sees more networking and shop talk at the conference, and yet more films on the power, context and traditions of music.

The concerts are  jointly presented by Müpa Budapest and Hangvető in the framework of the Bartók Spring.

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