
Mihály Borbély Quartet (HU)

Mihály Borbély Quartet (HU)

In this concert, as always, Borbély and his bandmates will push the boundaries of composition and improvisation into each other: they will perform written pieces with the spontaneity of improvisation, improvisations with the organisation of pre-written compositions, while bringing to life the world of well-known jazz evergreens with a variety of musical colours, characters and even extremes.

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Last event date: Saturday, June 03 2023 8:00PM

Mihály Borbély Quartet (HU)

Mihály Borbély - saxophone, winds
Áron Tálas - piano
Balázs Horváth - double bass
Hunor G. Szabó - drums

Mihály Borbély, who is equally at home in the fields of folk and world music, jazz and contemporary music, and who is extremely popular both in Hungary and abroad, is one of the leading figures of Hungarian jazz as a performer and composer. The folk music heritage of the Carpathian Basin and the Balkans is strongly present in his works, organically combined with elements from the various jazz tendencies or even from the music of the twentieth century classics. His playing combines exciting melodic turns with subtly translucent and powerful rhythms, while lyrical phrases enter into dialogue with energetic gestures.

The current line-up of the Borbély Quartet has released two albums, while Mihály Borbély has already released a total of six albums as a composer on BMC Records. In this concert, as always, Borbély and his bandmates will push the boundaries of composition and improvisation into each other: they will perform written pieces with the spontaneity of improvisation, improvisations with the organisation of pre-written compositions, while bringing to life the world of well-known jazz evergreens with a variety of musical colours, characters and even extremes.

Table reservations are automatically added during ticket purchase.
Please note that if you purchase an odd number of seats, you might have to share the table with others, especially if the concert is sold out.
For the best dining experience please arrive around 7pm.
We hold reservations until 8pm.

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A hatalmas sikerű dán film alapján készült színdarab nagy beleérzéssel és humorral szembesít bennünket azzal, milyen eufóriával és milyen fájdalmakkal jár, ha az ember megpróbálja elengedni a kontrollt.

Fény derül az ősrégi titokra… Az elmúlt három évtizedben több mint 5 millió ember 5 kontinensen, több mint 6000 előadáson és számtalan tévéműsorban csodálhatta meg a Shaolin szerzetesek misztikus erőit.

A Szépség és a Szörnyeteg a Disney egyik legsikeresebb, legelbűvölőbb meséje, az első olyan animációs film, amelyet Oscar-díjra jelöltek a Legjobb film kategóriájában, és öt Grammy-díjat is kapott.

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