
BEMUTATÓ - Don’t Lie To The Planet • Urban Verbunk SHOW

BEMUTATÓ - Don’t Lie To The Planet • Urban Verbunk SHOW

A dance show based on a groundbreaking performing arts concept that raises awareness of today’s pressing global social issues. URBAN VERBUNK has created a dance style unlike any other, combining the greatest classical music artists, the world’s best pop performers and grandiose visual elements to create never-before-seen cinematic entertainment.  more

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Last event date: Tuesday, December 05 2023 7:00PM

The show is thus a completely unique experience for audiences of pop culture, theatre and opera alike.

The central theme of the show is the issue of artificial intelligence, which is increasingly affecting our society. Although this technology is becoming more and more dominant in our lives with each passing day, until now it has not really been represented in the art of stage dance. The production uses grandiose visual elements (a pool filled with over 2,500 litres of water, a flaming floor, and a 40 square metre trampoline mat) to show how we humans are using AI to manipulate our habitat and the environment we have created throughout history, and what the future may hold for us in light of this. The dance performance also explores themes such as man-made environmental damage (such as water scarcity and forest fires) and global social problems of our history and present (e.g. the Holocaust, racism and hunger).

In keeping with its bold concept of a progressive, unique folk dance style, URBAN VERBUNK also breaks new ground in terms of its musical foundations: The best-known works of classical music’s greatest composers are performed in unique arrangements with symphonic orchestral accompaniment and crossover sound, along with hits from the world’s best pop artists.

URBAN VERBUNK’s artistic director is Gyula Harangozó- and Junior Prima Prize-winning dance artist and choreographer Moussa Ahmed, who has represented Hungarian culture at such venues and events as New York’s Lincoln Center, the Rio Olympics, and the 70th birthday celebration of King Charles III.


Performed by URBAN VERBUNK

Music Director: Miklós Szitha 

Music Producer: Pierpaolo Guerrini 

Instrumentation: Ádám Tóth 

Visual: ODPictures 

Light and visual technology: Next Stage Team

Participant: Elina Nechayeva, Petar Markoski, Patrik Zdroba 

Directed and choreographed by Moussa Ahmed

Artistic Director: Moussa Ahmed, Harangozó Gyula- és Junior Prima díjas 

Supported by MOL-Új Európa Alapítvány

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