
Bemutató - Az emlékek őre • Inversedance - Fodor Zoltán Társulat

Bemutató - Az emlékek őre • Inversedance - Fodor Zoltán Társulat

Our new performance is based on Lois Lowry’s novel The Giver, set in a society which at first appears to be utopian, where everything seems to be going perfectly well. Free of injustice, crime, violence and hunger, this is a society where people can live in harmony.  more

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Last event date: Tuesday, May 07 2024 7:00PM

But it’s only an illusion – a utopia for people deprived of knowledge. Slowly, signs are emerging that highlight the anti-utopian characteristics lurking behind this ideal world. In an unreal world, how much room is there for emotion? We ask this question, and perhaps it is the fear behind the answer that makes us speak the truth: Hide reality so that your emotions always align with expectations. In our new play, we want to create an emotional ocean with a strange atmosphere, balancing on the border between dreams, utopia, surreality and reality. It all takes place in a space where the mask of perfection is slowly being washed away by a reality in which one can finally begin to live.

Choreography by Zoltán Fodor, and Inversedance-Zoltán Fodor Company

Music: Gergely Attila

Scenery and Light design: Zoltán Fodor 

Set design: Tamás Rákay 

Costume design: Sára Diána Veréb 

Video: László Dinea 

Dramaturge: Károly Juhász 

Technician: Attila Petróczi 


Performed by Inversedance-Zoltán Fodor Company, and Guest artists 


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