
BAROQUE SPLENDOR - Ph. Telemann / Marcello / Scarlatti / J.S. Bach - F/2

BAROQUE SPLENDOR - Ph. Telemann / Marcello / Scarlatti / J.S. Bach - F/2

The 18th century was not only an age of extravagant splendour, but also of discovery and radical transformation. The unique suite composed by the prolific German composer Georg Philipp Telemann is a testimony of this complex era, written to showcase the music of different nations to the audiences.  more

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Last event date: Friday, February 14 2025 6:00PM


Ph. Telemann: Les Nations (Nations) in B flat major – suite
Marcello: Oboe Concerto in D minor – arranged for trumpet
Scarlatti: Seven Arie for trumpet and soprano voice
J.S. Bach: Suite for Orchestra No. 1 in C major, BWV. 1066


Réka Kristóf vocals
Tamás Sipos - trumpet


Róbert Farkas
The 18th century was not only an age of extravagant splendour, but also of discovery and radical transformation. The unique suite composed by the prolific German composer Georg Philipp Telemann is a testimony of this complex era, written to showcase the music of different nations to the audiences. However, the concerto genre itself reflects a new ideal of the man who stands out from his surroundings, always striving for more, which is demonstrated in Alessandro Marcello's Oboe Concerto arranged for trumpet, performed by Tamás Sipos, This concert also features arias by the elder Scarlatti, performed by soprano Réka Kristóf, who has devoted a significant part of her career to early music. Finally, conductor Róbert Farkas concludes his musical tour with an orchestral suite by the great Bach.

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