
Bacsó Kristóf Triad

Bacsó Kristóf Triad

Bacsó Kristóf szaxofonos-zeneszerző időnként vendégzenészekkel hosszabbítja meg saját zenei látómezejét.  more

Nincs aktuális előadás

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Last event date: Thursday, March 07 2024 8:00PM

Saxophonist-composer Kristóf Bacsó occasionally extends his musical horizons with guest musicians, as was the case when he recorded an album with bassist Lionel Loueke for BMC Records (Pannon Blue), creating a kind of fusion of Hungarian-focused contemporary jazz and West African-influenced improvisational music, and then, with his own band, Kristóf Bacsó Triad, he recorded another album together with guest bassist Daniele Camarda (Imaginary Faces). The use of electronics, already prominent on Pannon Blue, opens the door to a further change of dimension. The backbone of this evening is material from Imaginary Faces, but since the release of the album, several new compositions have also become part of the band's repertoire.

In recent years, Kristóf Bacsó has released four albums as a composer, and his compositions have been performed in a delightful orchestration by his trio, quartet, quintet or the Modern Art Orchestra, in which he has been active as a soloist and composer since the band’s foundation. But of all these, he considers Triad as his own child, where one of his partners on keyboards is the award-winning Áron Tálas, who, in addition to piano, also plays the Fender and other electronic sounds with great originality. The third member of the band is drummer László Csízi, who is one of the busiest drummers on the Hungarian jazz scene. Triad's music blends elements of jazz and contemporary music with an Eastern European feel, with carefully crafted passages and collective improvisations playing an important role.

Table reservations are automatically added during ticket purchase.
Please note that if you purchase an odd number of seats, you might have to share the table with others, especially if the concert is sold out.
For the best dining experience please arrive around 7pm.
We hold reservations until 8pm.

For more information, please call +36 1 216 7894

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