
The Father

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Nowadays André forgets everything, somehow the things don’t line up in his head. His flat, his daughter, the furniture… everything seems so strange. Anne, his daughter tries to help him, but nursing André is almost impossible: the old man pushes away everyone, and he slowly entirely loses the connection to the reality.

The piece, written in 2012, shows the fight and struggle of an old man with forgetting and the fading of memories.
The work of Florian Zeller won the Molière Prize for best drama in France, and was played with a huge success in many countries of the world. In the year 2020 also a film has been released with Anthony Hopkins in the leading role.

Reading rehearsal: 31. August 2020
Opening Night: 17. October 2020, Pesti Színház

The rights of the author and the play are represented by Agence DRAMA – 24 rue Feydeau, 75 002 PARIS Partner in Hungary: Hofra Színházi és Irodalmi Ügynökség (

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