


The "King of the Waltz" will return to Hungary in 2025 with a spectacular new show. On 28th and 29th November, he will perform in Budapest at the MVM Dome, promising an unforgettable experience. Every performance by André Rieu is a true celebration.  more

Current events


MVM DOME Budapest

28. 11. 202529. 11. 2025

Gate opening: 18:00

Start: 19:30

André Rieu to return to Hungary in November 2025 with a stunning new show!


The „King of the Waltz” will return to Hungary in 2025 with a spectacular new show. On 28th and 29th November, he will perform in Budapest at the MVM Dome, promising an unforgettable experience. Every performance by André Rieu is a true celebration. The Dutch violinist and conductor is joined by the 60-piece Johann Strauss Orchestra and a host of internationally acclaimed soloists. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to be part of the magic!


With more than 40 million albums sold, over 500 platinum awards, nearly 10 million Facebook followers, billions of views on YouTube, more than half a million viewers worldwide every year, the charismatic violinist is undoubtedly one of the world’s most successful artists

On his return to Hungary, Rieu shared the following thoughts. The energy and passion of the Hungarian audience always impresses me! I look forward to sharing an unforgettable evening with you”.

Audiences will be treated to an enchanting evening of timeless classics from opera, musicals and operettas, as well as beautiful film scores, popular tunes and, of course, romantic waltzes, all with Rieu’s unique charm. During the evening, the Johann Strauss Orchestra will guide the audience through the world of music and dance. Renowned for their humour, lavish costumes, stunning sets and mesmerising lighting, the performances will appeal to all ages. Each concert is a unique work of art, with the violinist always bringing a surprise to the audience in that country, bringing the performance even closer to the audience. All tickets for all concerts in the 2024 season are sold out.

„We are delighted to be able to organise André Rieu’s spectacular new show in Budapest in 2025, following the huge success of the 2024 concert. Based on the love of the audience and the fantastic reception, we are sure that next year will hold even more surprises for us, and we already know one, which we will announce soon!” – Roland Horváth, CEO of Koncertpromo.

The 2025 concert in Budapest will be part of André Rieu’s packed tour, which will take in countries across Europe including Germany, the UK, Ireland, the Czech Republic, as well as special venues such as Bahrain and Malta. André Rieu not only brings a stunning musical experience to every concert, but to ensure he is perfectly prepared, he is accompanied on tour by three chefs, a doctor and a fitness trainer. Rieu’s famous Johann Strauss Orchestra, the world’s largest private orchestra, creates an unforgettable atmosphere with every performance.

Don’t miss this experience and discover why André Rieu is a fan of millions of people around the world! 

André Rieu is not just for one night. He is for a lifetime!



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