Aly Keïta – Jan Galega Brönnimann – Lucas Niggli (CI/CH)
Aly Keïta comes from a Malinke Griot family from the Ivory Coast and is a master of the balafon, the African xylophone.
Aly Keïta comes from a Malinke Griot family from the Ivory Coast and is a master of the balafon, the African xylophone.
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Last event date: Thursday, November 16 2023 8:00PM
Aly Keïta – Jan Galega Brönnimann – Lucas Niggli (CI/CH)
Aly Keïta - voice, balafon, kalimba
Jan Galega Brönnimann - bass clarinet, contrabass clarinet, soprano saxophone
Lucas Niggli - drums, percussion
The musician from Côted'Ivoire settled in Europe years ago and has since played with a number of jazz giants from keyboarder Joe Zawinul to Norwegian saxo-phonist Jan Garbarek. Aly Keïta's music comes into its own in a trio with percussionist Lucas Niggli and woodwind player Jan Galega Brönnimann. Both Swiss musicians were born in Cameroon and have known each other since childhood. Their first successful album Kalo Yele was released in 2016. They gave concerts and went on tour and have since refined and perfected their music, thus the new album Kalan Teban shimmers in even stronger colours. The hypnotic music of dense balafon melody patterns, the singing of Aly Keïta, the grooves of the drums and extensive improvisation arcs of saxophone or clarinet make Kalan Teban a trance-like listening pleasure.
Table reservations are automatically added during ticket purchase.
Please note that if you purchase an odd number of seats, you might have to share the table with others, especially if the concert is sold out.
For the best dining experience please arrive around 7pm.
We hold reservations until 8pm.
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