


Grupa Coincidentia (PL)
Straszka pospolita
Ország Lili Studio
70’ no intermission
in English with Hungarian subtitles

Nincs aktuális előadás

Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Sunday, May 14 2023 3:00PM

Written by: Anna Andraka, Paweł Chomczyk

Music by: Jerzy Bielski

Stage design: Małgorzata Tarasewicz – Wosik

Choreography: Karolina Garbacik

Directed by: Grupa Coincidentia

Played by:Dagmara Sowa, Paweł Chomczyk

Voices: Tymon Chomczyk, Krystyna Chomczyk 

Musicians: Robert Jurčo, Bogusław Kasperuk

Common scare – would be the literal translation of polish name ‘Straszka pospolita’.

While this popular dragonfly species can be found by the lake or by the river, common fears are found eeeeeeeeeeeeverywhereeeeeeeeeeeeee. Once they are larger, once smaller. They lurk on children and adults day and night. Where do they come from? How do they work? Why and what for are we scared? These questions are brought up in the latest performance by the Coincidentia Group, who invites viewers every age to a peculiar laboratory of fear and joint exploration of its essence. It is a crazy journey into the depths of the human head, bizarre dreams, a bedtime stories and fables, realized through a collage of fantasies and theatrical experiments. Artists recreate on stage the mechanisms of fear by playing with different conventions, by stage improvisations, scientific texts, dramatic as well as authentic children's stories. Performers use a wide range of means of expression from acting, puppetry, material and visual theater to live music, embracing the piece with a great deal of humor and absurdity. It is "funny and scary" encouragement of taming fears, addressed not only to the little viewers.

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