Idiotas Teatro (MX)
A golpe de Calcetín
Main Stage
60’ no intermission
in Spanish with Hungarian subtitles
Idiotas Teatro (MX)
A golpe de Calcetín
Main Stage
60’ no intermission
in Spanish with Hungarian subtitles
Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a Jegy.hu keresőjében!
Last event date: Wednesday, May 17 2023 5:00PM
Written by: Francisco Hinojosa
Dramaturgy: Ileana Villarreal
Music by: Juan Pablo Villa Custom
Stage design: Alejandro Magallanes, Atenea Chávez, Auda Carraza, Alberto Reyna, César Moctezuma
Light design: Edgar Mora
Directed by: Cristian David és Fernando Reyes Reyes
Director’s assintant: Paulina Montiel
Cast: Alejandra Mada, Claudia Ivonne Cervantes, Daniel Berthier, Fabian Varona, Diego Santana, Cristian David, Fernando Reyes Reyes, Nohemí Espinosa, Juan Pablo Villa, Francisco Hinojosa Fisic, Zezé F. Ramos
Paco Poyo is a boy of 12 years old; after being forced to drop out of school as a result of the economic crisis facing the working class in the post-revolutionary era, he walked the streets of Mexico City selling newspapers "at the stroke of a sock". One day, a mysterious character offers him to buy all his newspapers in exchange for doing him a little favour, but Paco never imagined that an apparently easy and fun mission would lead him to appear in the headlines of the newspapers he sold.
This staging is built from the drama of the actor, using the poetics of the clown and the mask to bring this literary text to dramatic action. An oneiric world that places us in the first half of the 20th century in Mexico City accompanied by sound and visual landscapes that recover the longing for the years of yore.
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