
Abstract-Bruce Marie

Abstract-Bruce Marie

Duda Paiva Company (NL)
Bruce Marie
Main Stage
65’ no intermission
in English  more

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Last event date: Thursday, May 11 2023 7:00PM

Concept: Duda Paiva

Dramaturgy: Kim Kooiman

Music by: Flip Noorman, Wilco Alkema

Stage and costume design: Tessa Verbei

Light design: Mark Verhoef

Director’s assistant: Josje Eijkenboom

Directed by: Duda Paiva, Neville Tranter

Played by: Duda Paiva

What if a chip existed that allows people to transcend all physical limitations of the body? Then you have to be lucky enough to get it. In front of the laboratory where everything happens the mass is crowding to belong to the 0,00000001 percent that is first in line. Inside the building is Bruce, a split personality, a drag queen of age, a man with a body that doesn’t want anymore, but: somewhat closer to the chip than the rest. In the lab, there is also Muffin, a monkey that has been extensively experimented on and that already has a chip. The laboratory is a delicate balance, that Bruce irrevocably disrupts with his presence. What if you could dispose yourself of all your bodily limitations with a small digital procedure? Would you still be human?

In his new solo, Duda Paiva dives into transhumanism, which does not strive for an eternal life, but for an unrestricted life. Bruce Marie is based on an unstoppable reality. A performance about deterioration and vulnerability in times that everything seems influenceable, if you have enough means. In this comedy with sharp dialogues, great songs and bold choreographies between performer and puppets, Paiva shows all facets of his unparalleled talent.

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