Il trovatore – in concert
Giuseppe Verdi
Il trovatore – in concert (with Anna Netrebko and Yusif Eyvazov)
Opera in four acts, two parts, in Italian, with Hungarian and English subtitles
Giuseppe Verdi
Il trovatore – in concert (with Anna Netrebko and Yusif Eyvazov)
Opera in four acts, two parts, in Italian, with Hungarian and English subtitles
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Last event date: Friday, February 02 2024 7:00PM
Il trovatore is the opera of operas. Filled with passionate and romantic music, the four principal roles are nevertheless almost impossibly difficult. As Enrico Caruso said, only one thing was needed to ensure the piece’s success: to sign “the four greatest singers in the world”. Ever since it caused a sensation at its 1853 Rome premiere, the work has conquered the entire world. Rigoletto, Il trovatore, La traviata: Giuseppe Verdi had entered a new phase in his career. “In a good tragedy, everyone is right.” This maxim has been known since the times of classical Greek drama. Verdi takes it one step further: with a predilection for heaping dramatic conflicts until they lie thick on the ground, he has a special fondness for creating unresolvable situations and posing agonising dilemmas for his heroes. A drama of politics, love and revenge, Il trovatore is both a true work of Italian romanticism and an outstanding testament to Verdi’s dramatic abilities. It is little wonder that it remains one of his most popular works to this day. This time, the opera will be performed in a concert version at the Locomotive Hall of the Eiffel Art Studios. There is need for this huge space, as the audience will certainly fill it. The casting would also please Caruso: Anna Netrebko and Yusif Eyvazov are to appear in the roles of Leonora and Manrico.
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