
The Paul Street Boys

The Paul Street Boys

a musical play in two acts | based on the novel by Ferenc Molnár


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Collaborators for the stage adaptation: László Marton and Zsuzsa Radnóti, using some elements from Sándor Török’s adaptation

set design | Csörsz Khell costume design | Mari Benedek choreography | Csaba Horváth dramaturgy | Zsuzsa Radnóti

directed by | László Marton

One of the most heartbreaking pieces of Hungarian literature, The Paul Street Boys touches both young and old. The Grund has become part of our collective consciousness and common language. We hear the brilliant cast sing the emotional melodies of Dés and Geszti, “The grund is ours!”. We all remember the einstand, when the red-shirted Pásztors steal Nemecsek’s favourite marbles, or the putty club, the botanic garden, the battle on the Grund and Nemecsek, who sacrifices himself for the Grund and his mates. These are key words filled with poetry and memories, which generations keep rediscovering again and again.
It was director László Marton, who established the tradition of producing new musical shows for the younger audiences and providing a unique opportunity for Hungarian composers. The latest of this series is The Paul Street Boys.
Thanks to Katalin Zórád for providing us with Ernő Zórád’s photographs.

premiere | 5th November 2016 | Vígszínház

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