
The Attic

The Attic

Half tale - half musical
for ages from 9 to 99

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This Attic is the most extraordinary place, where anything can happen, just like in tales. Here, between sky and earth, a young scientist tries to develop the most intelligent computer ever, spending all his energies on this job. But all of a sudden mortal and immortal creatures appear in the attic and start disturbing him. What he has to understand now is more difficult than the job he did: that he has nothing to do with the world he knew about so far... This musical is deeply the Vígszínház’s own: it was born here and it is uninterruptedly on the repertory since its opening: 29 January, 1988. This year (2008) we celebrated the 20th anniversary of our most beloved attic.

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Hullámtörés Szép

Radnóti Miklós Színház

Bemutató: 2025. május 3. szombat
A 2024|2025-ös évadot Lars von Trier filmklasszikusának színházi adaptációjával zárja a Radnóti Miklós Színház.

Half tale - half musical for ages from 9 to 99


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