
A mágnesember (Fábri)

A mágnesember (Fábri)

The Magnet Man
Dutch-Belgian drama, 89 min, 2024
in Dutch with Hungarian subtitles

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Last event date: Thursday, September 05 2024 2:45PM

Director: Gust Van den Berghe

Cast: Danny Ronaldo, Isolda Dychauk, Bruno Vanden Broecke, Mieke Dobbels


Lucien is a human magnet: everything made of iron sticks to his body. Rural Belgium at the beginning of the 20th century is no place for his unusual natural talent. One day, he accidentally gets attached to a train that carries him far away. On this journey, Lucien stumbles across a travelling theatre and its colourful troupe of artists. His magnetism attracts both good and bad, often changing the course of his destiny. THE MAGNET MAN tells the tragicomic tale of how our greatest talents can become our greatest flaws, and how unpredictable our lives can be.

Awards: Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival 2023 - Winner Best Original Score


Distributor: Vertigo Média Kft.

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