The Diva and the Men
A doorman gives an account of the most important milestones of the Diva’s career from the very beginning, throughout joy and sacrifices up until the very top.
A doorman gives an account of the most important milestones of the Diva’s career from the very beginning, throughout joy and sacrifices up until the very top.
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Last event date: Thursday, October 19 2023 7:00PM
The Diva and the Men
Andrea Rost – Diva
Kornél Pusztaszeri – Doorman
Pianist and commentator: Miklós Harazdy
Director: Viktor Nagy
Creative Producer: György Lőrinczy
Throughout the career history of Andrea Rost, the world-famous opera singer, we can gain an insight into the world of opera stages. A doorman gives an account of the most important milestones of the Diva’s career from the very beginning, throughout joy and sacrifices up until the very top. There are seven opera arias in this piece from well-known composers such as Bernstein, Handel, Mozart and Puccini.
Writer: Kati Nagybaczoni Nagy
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