
Il Campanello

Il Campanello

Gaetano Donizetti
Comic opera in one act, in Hungarian, with Hungarian surtitles

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Last event date: Sunday, September 15 2024 11:00AM

After his wedding, Neapolitan chemist Don Annibale wants nothing more than to perform his conjugal duties – especially since he has to depart at dawn for Rome, where an important matter awaits him. However, the wedding night is repeatedly disturbed by the bell in the chemist's shop and a parade of characters who are bizarre beyond words. The sun rises, and the lovely bride's former lover smugly sees her new husband off as he leaves for Rome. A true Italian comedy set to Donizetti's exuberant music.

Librettist: Gaetano Donizetti
Orchestrated by: Péter Andorka
Director, set and costume designer: Attila Toronykőy
Translator: Tamás Blum

Conductor: Sámuel Csaba Tóth | Dávid Farkasházi | Levente Zsíros
Serafina: Ildikó Megyimórecz | Zsuzsanna Kapi | Rita Rácz
Don Annibale Pistacchio: László Szvétek | András Kiss
Spiridione: Ninh Duc Hoang Long | Tivadar Kiss
Madama Rosa: Lúcia Megyesi Schwartz | Mária Farkasréti
Enrico: Máté Fülep | Lajos Geiger

Featuring the Hungarian State Opera Orchestra


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Ferenc Erkel BÁNK BÁN (THE VICEROY BÁNK) Opera three acts, in Hungarian, with Hungarian and English subtitles The text and musical material for the production have been created using both the original and the baritone versions

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