
Around the World in 80 Days - Budapest Dance Theatre

Around the World in 80 Days - Budapest Dance Theatre

The characters, the story, the topics and the message of the deservedly world-famous piece, talk of eternal human characteristics.  more

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Last event date: Tuesday, February 13 2024 10:30AM

The positive features of the main character, Phileas Fogg, are human characteristics that our children and young people should be taught every day. During the trip around the world the piece introduces different cultures, life situations and a variety of dances in our interpretation to the audience. The non-verbal language of dance helps to introduce the diversity of the world, cultural characteristics and common human values. At the end of the tale, just as it should be, goodness prevails. It transpires that the aim is the journey itself and from all the options love is victorious, which our hero finds in the person of an Indian princess.


Performed by

Phileas Fogg: Matthew Bell

Passepartout: Donát Varga 

Princess Auda: Alexandra Sághy  

Detective Fix: Bendegúz Varga 


and the Budapest Dance Theatre Junior Ensemble


Narrated by Zoltán Boros

Costumes Designer: Zsófia Varjas

Set Designer: Zsuzsa Molnár

Assistant to Choreographer: Alexandra Sághy

Directed and choreographed by Béla Földi

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