
3 × j(A)zz! | Peter Rom's Wanting Machine (AT)

3 × j(A)zz! | Peter Rom's Wanting Machine (AT)

Wanting Machine is the first solo program, album and live show of Peter Rom, guitar player, composer and co-founder of JazzWerkstatt Wien. In this case, “solo” stands for working with three wonderful musicians.


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Last event date: Friday, December 15 2023 8:00PM

For Wanting Machine, Peter Rom, who has been a creative linchpin of many projects in and around JazzWerkstatt Wien, followed his dream to compose for his favourite musicians regardless of pragmatic assumptions. “I admire the imagination of Franz Kafka. Steps, growing upward following climbing feet, steps too high to overcome… Time and time again, his literary characters realise their wrong assessment of situations. The world around them seems firm, but in reality everything proves to be precarious, soft, blurry and ambiguous. I have always looked for music that is working on different levels. Like a hologram: you look at it, you look through it and from a different perspective it looks all different.”

Sometimes while listening to Wanting Machine you might not know which instrument is responsible for a certain sound. Utilizing different playing techniques and sonic manipulation, instruments take on different characters, sounds become blurred, reveal themselves, disappear and reappear somewhat transformed. Peter Rom’s compositions take numerous turns, change – sometimes all of a sudden, sometimes gradually – their state of matter, fluidify, shift, dissolve and freeze.


    Pamelia Stickney - theremin
    Peter Rom - guitar
    Manu Mayr - bass
    Michael Prowaznik - drums

Table reservations are automatically added during ticket purchase.
Please note that if you purchase an odd number of seats, you might have to share the table with others, especially if the concert is sold out.
For the best dining experience please arrive around 7pm.
We hold reservations until 8pm.

For more information, please call +36 1 216 7894

Text: Kristin Gruber

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