The ticket price is the consideration for the event, which belongs to the organizer. The indicated ticket prices do not include the service fee. The service fee is the consideration for the ticketing service of the website, including:
- The costs of the development, operation and administration of the ticket system;
- The costs of online payment;
- The costs of operating the customer service required by law;
- In the event of cancellation of the Event, the administrative and bank costs of any refund;
- NTAK data service costs.
Example of service fee calculation:
If the ticket selection page displays a service fee of 3% + HUF 400 projected on the ticket price, and you buy a ticket with a gross ticket price of HUF 10,000, the service fee will be HUF 700 (3% of the ticket price is HUF 300 + HUF 400), which is VAT included. Accordingly, the actual amount to be paid is HUF 10,700 gross (HUF 10,000 ticket price + HUF 700 service fee), which includes VAT.
In case of choosing some payment methods, the service fee does not have to be paid, such is the case of payment with the SZÉP card, or it may also happen that the Service Provider has agreed this way with the organizer of the event. The amount of the service fee is indicated on the ticket selection page, and the so-called the cart page also contains the calculated, exact amount, and the page also shows if no service fee is charged.
The Service Provider issues the invoice for the service fee.