
Rumini • Inversedance - Fodor Zoltán Társulat

Rumini • Inversedance - Fodor Zoltán Társulat

All aboard! The Wind Queen sets sail at dawn. The destination is Dormouse-Port, the largest harbour in the world. As captain of the ship, I’m recruiting keen, happy, diligent and witty sailors! Our journey won’t be without peril, as we have to cross the Goo-Sea, and we might not steer clear of the Dragon-strait either; nonetheless, our mission is crucial!…  more

Current events

The adventurous tale of Rumini, the brave and smart little mouse, has found its way to many people’s hearts in the last couple of years. The characters from the first volume of Judit Berg’s deservedly famous novel series come alive in the latest interactive production for children by the Inversedance Company. The fantasy becomes real to make you fly across Rumini’s venturesome journey while battling numerous hazards on land and over the limitless ocean.

Performed by Inversedance-Zoltán Fodor Company

Author: Judit Berg

Composer: Atilla Gergely, montage

Lighting design: Zoltán Fodor

Set design: Tamás Rákay

Costume design: Diána Veréb

Video: László Dinea

Choreographed by Kitty Balkányi, Zoltán Fodor, as well as the artists of the Inversedance Company

Supported by Municipality of Balatonföldvár City, Ministry of Human Capacities, National Cultural Fund of Hungary, Performing and Creative Arts Foundation


The performance contains stroboscopic effects.

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