
Human Machine - Az Impronta Ensemble koncertje / CAFe 2017

Human Machine - Az Impronta Ensemble koncertje / CAFe 2017

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Last event date: Thursday, October 19 2017 7:30PM

Mateo Sepúlveda Rios: Le bruit des feuilles (The Sound of Leaves) – concerto “without the left hand,” for orchestra and Disklavier – Hungarian premiere

Ligeti: Etude for Piano, No. 14/a – arranged for Disklavier

Nancarrow: Etude for Piano, No. 21 – arranged for Disklavier

Klaus Huber: Six Miniatures for Clarinet, Violin and Cello – Hungarian premiere

Denis Schuler: Piece for Disklavier – Hungarian premiere

Veress: Sonata for Oboe, Clarinet and Bassoon

Alfredo De Vecchis: Prelude, Aria and Canon for Disklavier – Hungarian premiere

Alessio Elia: Traces from Nowhere, for orchestra and Disklavier – Hungarian premiere


The members of the ensemble: Jeanne Vogt – violin, Zoltán Onczay – cello, Maura Marinucci – clarinet, Anna Štrbová – oboe, Miguel Pérez – bassoon

Conductor: Andreas Luca Beraldo


Many think music has become mechanical over the past half a century, while others are convinced new music has found inspiration in the music of machines. With the project, “human machine,” Impronta Ensemble, a young group founded in Mannheim, seeks to ensure mechanicalness can remain an option for human self-expression.

In other words, they reverse the process: instead of making human creations mechanical, they now attempt to humanize works intended to be mechanical. The “experiment” is centred around the Disklavier, a MIDI-controlled player piano.

Thanks to special software, the Disklavier becomes an autonomous member of the orchestra, “sensing” and “comprehending” the conductor’s signals, and showing human qualities, like the other players in the orchestra: we may come to understand it, like it, feel close to it.

Supporter: Pro Helvetia

An event jointly organized with Budapest Music Center.

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