
Exhibition on Screen: John Singer Sargent, a jólét festője

Exhibition on Screen: John Singer Sargent, a jólét festője

John Singer Sargent: Fashion and Swagger
English art documentary, 90 min, 2024
in English with Hungarian subtitles

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Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Sunday, September 29 2024 11:00AM

Director: David Bickerstaff

John Singer Sargent is known as the greatest portrait artist of his era. What made his ‘swagger’ portraits remarkable was his power over his sitters, what they wore and how they were presented to the audience. Through interviews with curators, contemporary fashionistas and style influencers, Exhibition on Screen’s film will examine how Sargent’s unique practice has influenced modern art, culture and fashion.

Filmed at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston and the Tate Britain, London, the exhibition reveals Sargent’s power to express distinctive personalities, power dynamics and gender identities during this fascinating period of cultural reinvention. Alongside 50 paintings by Sargent sit stunning items of clothing and accessories worn by his subjects, drawing the audience into the artist’s studio. Sargent’s sitters were often wealthy, their clothes costly, but what happens when you turn yourself over to the hands of a great artist? The manufacture of public identity is as controversial and contested today as it was at the turn of the 20th century, but somehow Sargent’s work transcends the social noise and captures an alluring truth with each brush stroke.

Distributor: Pannonia Entertainment

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Ahogy egy kritikusa írta: „Akinek nehéz a szíve, vagy csak melegségre vágyik, nézze meg ezt a darabot. Aki a nagy generáció tagja és képtelen megérteni az unokáját, vagy az ipszilon generációé, és kiborítják a nagyszülei, nézze meg ezt a darabot. Aki egyszerűen szereti a színházat, nézze meg ezt a darabot.”

Macskabál van az elhagyott színház ódon színpadán. Minden évben egyszer megrendezik a bált, és erre összegyűlnek a környék - nagyon is emberi tulajdonságokkal felruházott - macskái. Eltáncolják és eldalolják életüket.

Beastly good fun embedded in ancient stand-up comedy on the subject of human frailty. An evening of didactic dance and song, in enchanting quotation marks. Come ruminate over these questions with the ruminants. Two acts in unusually fine feather.

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