
The Érpatak Model

The Érpatak Model

The mayor of Érpatak between 2005 and 2017 was Zoltán Mihály Orosz, whose name is associated with the development of the Érpatak model, which caused a great stir in the public consciousness. A community living on the edge of Hungarian society was able to create an apparent order with a national radical leader, but division and aggression were a natural…  more

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Last event date: Sunday, March 10 2024 8:00PM

"Whoever lives in this country has the duty to love this country. Anyone who is in trouble and calls the Hungarian police has a duty to love Hungarian traditions. Nothing is mandatory, but between us it is an expectation. The big problem is that the dirty liberals are starting to wean us off this. We, on the other hand, decided to reaccustom the Hungarian people here, the people living on Hungarian land, to love the heritage of our ancestors, to love Hungarian traditions, and to respect them properly. If you don't like it, we ask you to go to the liberals, go to the gay parade, but this is the condition between us."

The mayor of Érpatak between 2005 and 2017 was Zoltán Mihály Orosz, whose name is associated with the development of the Érpatak model, which caused a great stir in the public consciousness. A community living on the edge of Hungarian society was able to create an apparent order with a national radical leader, but division and aggression were a natural part of this. The events in Érpatak were staged verbatim of content available online and obtained during our research.

Publicly available sources of the texts spoken in the lecture:,,,, The Érpatak model (documentary), "erpatakimodell" youtube channel, "Zoltán Orosz Mihály" facebook page, "Nemzeti1tv" youtube channel



With special thanks to: Gábor Szőllősi, Szabolcs Hegyi, Szabolcs Sánta, István Tóth

Sponsors: MKKP, Ódry Árpád Foundation, SÍN

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