
Die Frau ohne Schatten (The Woman without a Shadow)

Die Frau ohne Schatten (The Woman without a Shadow)

Richard Strauss
Opera in three acts, in German, with Hungarian, English, and German subtitles

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Last event date: Friday, June 02 2023 6:00PM

The daughter of the Emperor of the Spirit Realm turned from a gazelle into a beautiful girl. Hunter and prey fell in love with each other: the fairy girl became the Empress of the Southeastern Islands. Since then, light has penetrated her body as if she were of glass: a spirit trapped in the world of humans. If she cannot obtain her shadow, the Emperor will turn into stone…
Conceived at wartime, this tale is about humanity, self-sacrifice and the appreciation of happiness.

Librettist: Hugo von Hofmannstahl
Director: János Szikora
Set designer: Balázs Horesnyi
Costume designer: Kati Zoób
Dramaturg: János Matuz
Hungarian subtitles: Máté Mesterházi
English subtitles: Judit Kenesey
Head of the Children's Chorus: Nikolett Hajzer
Chorus director: Gábor Csiki
Conductor: Michael Boder
The Emperor: István Kovácsházi
The empress: Eszter Sümegi
The Nurse: Ildikó Komlósi
The Messenger of the Spirits: N.N.
The Guardian of the Threshold: Eszter Zemlényi
The Apparition of a Youth: Péter Balczó
The Falcon: Anikó Bakonyi
A Voice from Above: Bernadett Fodor
Barak, the dyer: Csaba Szegedi
Wife of Barak: Szilvia Rálik
The one-eyed man, Barak: Lajos Geiger
The one-armed man, Barak: Ferenc Cserhalmi
The hunchback, Barak: István Horváth
The voices of the town: István Horváth | Lajos Geiger | Ferenc Cserhalmi
The children: Ágnes Molnár | Zsófia Kálnay | Bori Keszei | Anikó Bakonyi | Eszter Zemlényi | Bernadett Fodor
Three servants: Ágnes Molnár | Bori Keszei | Zsófia Kálnay

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