Choir of St John's College, Cambridge - With organist Alex Robson
The Choir of St John's College, Cambridge is an old acquaintance of ours, having already given two acclaimed Christmas concerts here at Müpa Budapest.
The Choir of St John's College, Cambridge is an old acquaintance of ours, having already given two acclaimed Christmas concerts here at Müpa Budapest.
Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!
Last event date: Monday, December 16 2024 7:30PM
Since 2023, the ensemble has been led by choirmaster Christopher Gray. Founded in 1670, the globe-trotting choir is one of the finest of its kind in the world, praised by critics for its rich, warm sound and stylistic versatility. In addition to its extensive concert tours, the choir also sings at services in St John's College Chapel. Their repertoire spans about five hundred years. Featured at the concert will be Alex Robson, the organist of both the choir and St John's College Chapel.
Conductor: Christopher Gray
organ: Alex Robson
Choir of St John's College, Cambridge
Presented by: Müpa Budapest
Photo: Keith Heppell
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